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Hamburger tools, 2019

/ˈmetsō/ . adverb; half in Italian.

A pair of hand held integrated tools that create a cutting experience.

The design for this knife and fork, to half a hamburger, came from observing myself and others eating hamburgers. I noticed a lot of people cut their hamburgers with a knife while holding the hamburger with the other hand so it won't fall apart.

This gave me a direction for this project.

I wanted to design a cutting experience that would feel natural and intuitive but not messy. A hamburger is what you call finger food. that's the reason I wanted to keep the activity close to the fingers and the palm of the hand.

I wanted to design a tool out of simple, natural, minimalistic and clean shapes that will enhance the encounter of cutting and eating a hamburger.

 Guya Blumenthal mezzo hanburger cuttin tools
DSC01901 copy.png
cutting hamburger
cutting hamburger
cutting hamburger
cutting hamburger
cutting hamburger
cutting hamburger
cutting hamburger
cutting hamburger
 Guya Blumenthal mezzo hanburger cuttin tools sketches and mockups
 Guya Blumenthal mezzo hanburger cuttin tools
 Guya Blumenthal mezzo hanburger cuttin tools
 Guya Blumenthal mezzo hanburger cuttin tools
 Guya Blumenthal mezzo hanburger cuttin tools
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